Home » GLM – Guild of Location Managers

GLM – Guild of Location Managers


The GLM location managers work closely with various bodies on filming policy such as, safety issues, guideline etc.

GLM is represented by committee members.

• London filming partnership
• Cine guild
• film London executive task force
• film industry safety group
• London assembly advisory group

Location managers of guild also work with:

• FT2
• English heritage
• National trust
• Skillset
• Her majesty’s courts service
• New producer’s alliance
• Royal parks
• UK film council
• National film and television school

NASMAH – National Association of Screen Makeup Artists and Hairdressers (designers, makeup and hair artists)

BFDG British film designer’s guild (British film designer’s guild)

GBFTEGuild of British film and television editors (sound, film and television editors)

GCSA – Guild of stunt and action coordinators (stunt coordinators)

GBCT – Guild of British camera technicians (crew script supervisors and camera operators)

BSC– British society of cinematographers (directors of photography and lighting cameramen)

Neither the writer’s guild nor the director’s guild is eligible for CGGB membership but both act as trade unions for their members which is specific disqualification under the CGGB constitution.

Our Mission and Aims

The GLM is a nonprofit organisation which is based in UK. It is a hub of professional location managers working with the television, stills industries, events and films. It is formed in order to maintain quality standards of professionalism in the industry with regard to filming on location. The GLM is well recognised body in the UK and registered by regional film commissions and UK film council through the UK.

Our Aim:
• To promote responsible working practices and professionalism among our members
• To maintain standard and quality of film industry
• To strengthen and promote communication with those organisations with whom we work
• To provide quality platform where our members can share their thoughts and can exchange their ideas and views.

Location Managers in UКlocation manager


Camilla Stephenson, Location Manager

Recent Credits:

• Spain and UK location manager
• Hare and Burke (2010)
• My Zinc Bed (2008) (TV)
• Eastern Promise (2007)
• Dean Spanley (2008)
• An education (2009)
• The demand united (2009) (Spain location manager)

[Find Out More Location Managers Here]

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